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Dominated Page 7

  “Please, Navarre. Don’t tease me so,” she begged on a gasp when he bent and caught one of her nipples in his mouth.

  His teeth dragged against her small nipple, distending her flesh and making it harden into an achy peak. She caught the crown of his head, digging her fingers into his scalp as she trapped him against her needy breast. He groaned at the prick of her nails and moved to her other breast, heightening sensation with his mouth.

  Her cunt felt saturated, and not just by the water they sat in. She felt fingers of liquid move over her skin and loved the sensation.

  Slowly, he shifted and moved between her legs, pressing tight against her groin, bending her backwards against the lip of the pool. Light scattered across ripples in the water, reflecting on their skin as the light shifted in color.

  And then his cock was there, where she wanted it the most. Where she needed it the most. The thick head seemed wider than ever before, like a fist probing through the petals of her sex. She’d always marveled at his ability to shift the parts of his body into anything that he wished. It’d brought her much pleasure in the past, and she anticipated it would continue bringing her many orgasms into the future.

  “I want you inside me,” she said breathily, urging him with the thrust of her hips and gratified to hear his moan equal her desire.

  “I’ll give you everything you want,” he promised, his voice a deep, rich baritone that had the nerves along her backbone writhing in heat.

  He glided against her wet pussy, becoming a push as the thick head wedged inside her hole. Slowly, as if pained by the movement, he forged a path inside her tight, slick channel.

  She gasped, wrapping her legs around his hips, pulling him in. His groans made her wetter, hotter for him. When he sank to the hilt deep within her, she cried out, clinging to his arms as he settled in the deepest part of her and slowly withdrew. Ridges of muscle clung hungrily to his cock, urging him to stay inside.

  A moan tore from her throat. Her blood seemed to pool in her center and spread through her lower limbs, increasing the heat and friction of their bodies as he stroked her in the erotic waters.

  He drove her to heights she’d never reached before, and she loved it. Her body trembled, her pussy quaked with the force of his thrusts.

  His face hovered inches from her own, and she tipped her mouth up to kiss him greedily. Tension mounted his body, tightening the muscles of his arms and legs, his hips. She felt it in the depths of her core, felt his flesh grow more rigid and harder. Her cunt grasped him, tight as a fist.

  “I’ll take you in ways you’ve never dreamed, love,” he murmured against her mouth.

  She shuddered at the words, clung to him tighter, harder. “I’ve always been ready, Navarre. Nothing you could do could ever scare me away.”

  “No other woman could satisfy my urges the way you do,” he growled, nipping her lips, driving into her harder and faster, his tempo increasing the pressure driving her needs higher and higher.

  Kittana moaned in excitement. Her hands clenched around his thick biceps, her fingers clawed his flesh, urging him on. He wrapped around the small of her back, drawing her tight against him and she practically sobbed against his neck. She barely recognized the sounds emanating from her throat. She felt like a wounded animal, clinging to the life only he could give her.

  Muscles contracting, her womb spasmed, fighting to reach the orgasm that hovered just beyond her reach. Navarre groaned and jerked. She felt the hot wash of his seed inside her, felt him fill every inch of her hollow with the thick hardness of his flesh as he exploded with orgasm deep within her womb. It sent her over the edge, and she was crying out with his brutal desire.

  Reason seared from her mind, swallowed by ecstasy.

  Her body tightened at his hoarse shout of release. Her pussy quaked, attaining the pinnacle of release as it rippled through muscle and tissue with forceful convulsions. She screamed his name, barely aware of herself anymore, wanting and needing him like life itself.

  “Kittana, Kittana,” he mumbled, over and over again, his breath ragged in her hair, desperate and vulnerable. She loved that he showed her his weakness, only her.

  She felt tears on her face, realized she’d begun weeping at some point. Kittana kissed him, returning the love she’d always had for him. “Let us put the past behind us, Navarre. I’ll do anything you ask of me if you will but forgive me. You have only to ask.”

  He met her eyes, his gaze vulnerable and haunted. Words caught in his throat. He visibly swallowed, his adam’s apple rising and lowering with the effort. “I’ve always loved you, Kittana. Why do you think I could hate you with such passion? You stole more than riches from me. Those can be replaced. I could never replace my heart. I thought I died those years ago. You’ve brought me back to life, Kittana. If you break it again, I will never survive.”

  Kittana cupped his jaw. “I’m am yours, Navarre. Forever and always. Your slave, your mate, your woman. If you will have me.”

  He smiled that rare smile that made her feel so wicked inside. “I think you have my answer.”

  The End

  Read an UNEDITED excerpt from Captured by Aliens 2: ALIEN ABDUCTION, coming soon:

  Ebony Raines despised being abducted by aliens. When she and her sister, Adrienne, had first been taken by the small gray aliens while traveling through the desert in the middle of the night, she’d had no clue she’d land in the predicament she was currently in.

  Those aliens, called the Nexus Lamians, had sold her and her sister, along with who knew how many other Earth women, to a strange race of giant aliens on the planet, Chalcydon.

  That itself probably wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t been chose to be one of King Kore Anadaru’s concubines. Being mistress to a king had its perks, but he wasn’t in love with her or any of his other dozen mistresses. In essence, they were all just his sex slaves. She didn’t like being one out of a dozen women vying for the attention from a man.

  The king was so determined to produce an heir to his throne, however, that he had routinely bedded at least three of the women every day since he’d procured his harem. He never took a break from his pursuits, leaving her to wonder how in the world he managed to run his small kingdom since it seemed to her that all he ever did was screw around. If anything, he was probably running it into the ground, or relying on some chancellor to take care of business for him.

  If that pig-headed, sex addicted man had one drop of live sperm left in his nuts, Ebony would be surprised. She wondered how he kept moving and talking and breathing, when it seemed like he was going to fuck himself to death trying to get one or all of them pregnant.

  Ebony wasn’t an idiot. Her sister had fallen madly in love with the Captain of the Guard, Dezec Zeta, leaving her wondering a little bit about her sister’s sanity, but she was happy for Adrienne and the baby her sister was expecting. Dezec seemed to be just as crazy about Adrienne, and she knew that he would take care of her and their baby no matter what.

  As much as she didn’t want to believe in love at first sight, it seemed to have happened for Adrienne. Lucky heifer.

  Ebony hadn’t been so lucky.

  She just wished she wasn’t trapped in such an abhorrent situation herself. She despaired of finding happiness in her new, alien home. Honestly, she didn’t think that she could ever be happy, even if she had a child with the king. She feared he would just take the baby away from her and have someone else raise it. He had no emotional connection to her, at least. Maybe someone else, but not her.

  That could have been her fault though since she’d made sure not to get close to him herself.

  She really couldn’t stand the king. She’d taken to distracting him when he came to “get her with child” with various other sexual moves she’d learned over the years—especially if she had an inkling she could be ovulating.

  A few near misses were enough to send her hightailing it as far away from the man as she could get.

  Just the thought made h
er shudder as she walked the corridor leading to the gardens in the lower level of the palace. The gardens were her one escape from the confines of her elegant prison.

  Ebony sighed, looking forward to her walk but still disturbed at her situation. She wasn’t sure how much longer any of them could get away with not bearing the king a child. Would he lose his mind and blame them if none of them ended up pregnant? Just because the society he managed seemed simple didn’t mean barbarians didn’t lie beneath the surface. She’d been enough of a history buff throughout her life, as well as a voracious reader, to know things like that were not only entirely possible, but plausible as well.

  The king enjoyed the feel of her mouth on his cock. Of course he did. All men did, she snickered. He also enjoyed anal play, and it was enough to keep him distracted from impregnating her when she was the most susceptible. She’d mentioned it in passing to the other women, and suspected they played at the game to avoid impregnation as well.

  They all felt like prisoners, just as she did.

  It went against her nature to not help them where she could, since they all seemed as miserable as she did.

  Maybe it was just homesickness for the chaos of Earth. She missed the overcrowded, polluted, technology driven place she’d called home her entire life.

  Ebony pushed open the heavy door, allowing her into the atrium that widened the entrance into the gardens.

  She stopped in her tracks, stunned when she saw the body crumpled on the stone floor. Over her stooped a man. The door slammed behind her, drawing his attention straight to her.

  She’d never seen the man before and assumed he was a guard, but she recognized the woman as Cassie, one of her sisters from the harem.

  “What happened?” she said, rushing over to the fallen woman without thinking.

  Beyond, the gurgling fountains of the gardens babbled, but she could see nothing past the mammoth man blocking the entrance. He gave her a startled look and straightened up when she bent over Cassie’s lifeless form.

  She spared him an angry look. “Don’t just stand there, dumbass! Go get a doctor,” she snapped.

  Instead of moving past her, he grabbed her biceps and hauled her to her feet. Before she had a chance to scream or fight, a strange smelling cloth was pressed to her nose and mouth, cutting all the oxygen off from her lungs.

  A wave of dizziness swarmed her head, making her eyes roll around in their sockets. The atrium spun out of control, and she closed her eyes as blackness swallowed her whole.


  Ebony became aware that something terribly wrong had happened. The sensation of falling and a pounding in her ribs both hit her at the same time. Blood pounded between her temples and across her forehead, and she felt like she was being held upside down. She couldn’t move her hands, and something tight stretched around her mouth.

  Groggily, she opened her eyes and found herself in the dark, carried across someone’s shoulder. A hand secured her legs tight against a hard chest, leaving the upper half of her body to dangle on the backside of the man who carried her.

  Shadows flickered across the walls of the tunnel, increasing her dizziness. Her head ached and felt like it was going to explode from the pressure of hanging upside down.

  It didn’t take much imagination to realize something was wrong. By the smell in the air, she was being taken through the sewer system.

  If they got too far, she’d never be able to escape. Feeling a surge of energy, Ebony began clawing at the back of the stranger, kicking her legs and trying to scream through the gag muzzling her mouth.

  A hard smack landed on her ass, stinging her cheek. “Settle down!” he commanded.

  She wasn’t a fucking kid! The reaction she’d incurred only pissed her off more. She felt pretty confident if he’d meant to hurt her, she’d already be dead or injured by now. Which meant she was needed for something else.

  Putting every ounce of energy into her legs, Ebony kicked and kneed her abductor in the solar plexus, wriggling against the arm that bound her. She was gratified to hear him grunt as the air expelled from his lungs.

  His immediate response was to drop her. The moment her bare feet touched solid ground, she stumbled, righted herself, and whirled around to run. Ahead she saw other men carrying women from the harem down the tunnel, carrying small lanterns for light.

  The sight puzzled her, making her unsure of which way to go. Before she could take more than a few steps, however, she was snatched around the waist and spun, crushed against the same masculine chest that had held her before.

  Ebony snatched the gag off her mouth to scream bloody murder when the man lifted her off her feet and brought her face up to his.

  Her mouth gaped. If she didn’t know better, she would swear she was looking at a near mirror image of the king.

  “Do you want me to knock you out like you were before?” the man growled, giving her a shake for emphasis.

  Read an UNEDITED excerpt from Beastmen of Shadowmere Book Three: Conquered by the Beast, coming soon:

  Time had never been his enemy, until now.

  Sleet pelted Balian of Memnon, driving against his hide at the altitude he flew, slashing against the thick, protective lids covering his eyes. He raised his shoulders, closing his wings slightly to duck beneath the cloud cover. There, above the pitch black landscape, he hovered. His wings lazily stirred the air, crystals of ice tinkling as they broke from his scales with each beat of his wings.

  He blinked his lids back as he looked down on the castle. The sheer rock of the valley protected its flanks. Its spires seemed to grow from the very ground itself. From the land, the fortress below him was impregnable--immune to any force that dared to assault it. Many had tried ... and failed.

  His keen eyes picked up the glow of fires, the faint, frosted breath of horses in the courtyard, traced the movement of guards watching the lay of the land. He could hear the boasting laughter of one guardsman to another, the quickened steps of a servant rushing down cobbled hallways. Unaware that their oldest enemy hovered above them, life carried on there as it always had.

  None expected attack from above, nor had they reason to. They could not reach such heights themselves, their own abilities having deserted them in a long ago age, leaving them barely capable of flight at all, and his race had died long ago--though the loss felt as fresh now as if it had only been yesterday.

  His lips pulled back in a semblance of a smile over jagged teeth the length and thickness of a man’s leg--razor sharp, designed for one thing alone ... rending a foe to pieces.

  They had everything to fear ... they just didn’t know it.

  Inside those stone depths, his bride awaited--in the tallest tower, in the land of Wyverns, at the stronghold of their domain ... so he’d been told. Here was a woman worthy of his claim, with a strength to match his own ... a mate for the last of the dragon kings.

  He’d best not keep her waiting, he thought with a combination of amusement and anticipation.

  Heaving a breath of thin air, he tilted and flattened his wings to his body, diving, his quarry in sight. He cloaked himself in darkness as he approached the tower, shifting into human form as he neared, landing with light feet upon the dark and lonely balcony. Fine glass doors opened with a soft push, and he was soon inside the black chamber.

  The bed dominated the room, and his eyes were drawn instantly to its occupant.

  With silent footfalls, he approached the bed, easing back the sheer drapery to better view her. She lay with an arm flung carelessly above her head, her fingers tangled in coarse and curly nut brown hair that rioted around her head. Silken sheets rode high upon her dark chest, obscuring the bounty of her figure but not wholly hiding her lush beauty.