Intergalactic Pain in the Ass Read online
Page 9
What if it had only been his position they were attracted to? He thought with sudden horror.
He dismissed that after a little thought. Cole hadn't had a clue of who he was or his position and she'd still found him attractive.
Oddly enough, that didn't make him feel much better. He was still Hauk. The face might look a little different, but that shouldn't have made that much difference, particularly considering the marathon love session they'd had.
Of course, she didn't seem to remember that.
And it didn't seem likely that he was going to entice her without the drug, because she was still very determined to look at anything except him.
Finishing his drink, he set the cup down and went into the head again, examining his disguise. Damned if he could see anything wrong with it. His face was fleshier—his whole body was for that matter, but he couldn't believe Cole was so shallow she couldn't see past it.
He was tempted to discard the disguise right then and there, but it suddenly occurred to him—for the first time—that Cole might just be a little more than pissed off if—when—she discovered his deception. He didn't know why he hadn't thought of that before, that it went just a little beyond a practical joke to continue to deceive her.
He felt slightly nauseated then.
Cole was going to be really, really ticked off when she found out, and he couldn't think of anything he could do to avoid it, except to continue the deception and that wasn't something he particularly wanted to do any more. What if she fell for him, looking like this? Would that mean she wouldn't like him the way he really was? But, if she didn't fall for him, looking like this, then it wasn't the real Hauk she was falling for, was it? Only his physical side.
"Shit!” This was a hell of a mess!
She was gone again when he came out of the head. He paced the room a while and finally settled on the bed again. Sprawling out, he pulled the covers over himself, staring up at the ceiling.
He didn't know why it mattered to him anyway. The woman had annihilated his self-confidence. Now he was always going to be wondering if it was his charm, or his title, or his physical appearance women went for.
It occurred to him after a while that it wasn't something he wanted to have hanging over him. He couldn't discard the disguise now anyway. If he was going to get his self-confidence back, he was going to have to win Cole over just as he was now.
He wasn't certain what he was going to do after that, because he was pretty sure that she wouldn't take it well at all when she discovered his deception, but he decided he'd just have to worry about that later.
Throwing the covers off, he rose and left the cabin, heading down the companionway in search of Cole. She was in the mess hall with Fuzz and Sylo. Fuzz glanced at him and went back to eating. Sylo glanced up at him and grinned. “Cole was just telling us about the little adventure you two had."
Hauk glanced at Cole. She was gaping at him as if he'd grown two heads. As if his attention had broken the spell, she looked down at her place quickly. He frowned.
"Sounds like she had you going there, buddy."
Hauk forced a smile. “A couple of times,” he acknowledged. “Fix me something to eat, girl. I'm starving. I'll have it in my room,” he added, turning and strolling down the companionway again. He could feel her gaze boring into his back. He tensed, more than half expecting her to launch a missile in his direction. He relaxed again when he made it to the door of the cabin without incident. Lifting one brow regally, he turned and gave her a questioning look before he went into the cabin and closed the door.
Cole's eyes narrowed on the closing door like laser beams. He could consider himself lucky she didn't have the ability to kill with her gaze, otherwise he'd have been a dead man.
When he was gone, she glanced at Fuzz and Sylo. Looking uncomfortable, they got up abruptly and left, returning to the cockpit. Cole stewed over his orders for several moments, wondering if there was any strychnine on board.
It occurred to her after a few moments that she had something a whole lot better and a smile curled her lips. He'd given her the perfect opportunity for revenge. It had to be fate!
Rising, she dropped her plate in the cleaning unit, then took a clean plate out for Sharmin and collected a knife and an assortment of the fruits they'd brought from the planet. When she'd peeled them and chopped them into small, bite sized pieces, she looked around to make certain Fuzz and Sylo were still in the cockpit and went to retrieve her stash of passion fruit. Peeling two, she chopped it as she had the other fruits and mixed it in. She doubted he'd recognize the meat of the fruit anyway, but she didn't want to arouse his suspicions by having all of the passion fruit piled on top.
Adopting a carefully subservient expression, she strolled down the companionway with the concoction and entered the cabin. Sharmin had parked his carcass on the bed. He was lounging—naked as a jay bird and without even the bed cover over him! He sat up as she came in, propping on one elbow. She focused her gaze on the plate in her hand.
She couldn't look at his body without remembering the night they'd made love all night and every time she remembered, her body responded heatedly and her mouth went dry.
Bowing, she set the plate on the table beside the bed.
Sharmin pushed himself up the bed until he was sitting, propped the pillow behind his back and leaned back, his arms folded behind his head so that the muscles in his upper arms bulged enticingly. “You may feed me."
Cole felt color climb her cheeks. Part of it was pure irritation, but, unfortunately, it was also because it made her hot all over just thinking about feeding him.
Bowing again, she knelt beside the bed.
Sharmin patted the bed beside him. “Sit here."
She complied. Lifting the fork, she stabbed a piece of passion fruit and turned to him. He opened his mouth and she dropped the piece in, watching in fascination while he chewed. Shaking herself, she turned to the plate and speared another piece of passion fruit, staring at his tongue as it slipped over his teeth to capture the tidbit. Her stomach clenched as it curled around the piece of fruit.
Clearing her throat, she decided to give him a piece of the other fruit. She didn't want to be too obvious.
He frowned slightly when he chewed it. “I think I like the other fruit best."
She glanced at him sharply, wondering if he'd figured out what she was doing, but there was nothing in his expression to indicate that he had. Shrugging inwardly, she forked another piece of the passion fruit and fed it to him, deciding that she'd been right to begin with. It was fate. It was time for the ‘what goes around, comes around’ thing.
He'd eaten every bite of the passion fruit before he lost consciousness. Cole had begun to worry that she might have overdone it. It was some sort of drug, after all, and she didn't think she'd even eaten half of one before she'd blacked out. Sharmin had consumed two whole pieces of the fruit.
Putting the fork down, Cole studied him uneasily for several moments and finally slapped his cheeks gently. He didn't even flinch.
Satisfied, she got up and studied him. The plan was to tease him unmercifully, not get herself raped—okay, so it was impossible to rape a willing soul and she wasn't exactly unwilling—but the idea wasn't to please him. It was to teach him a lesson in humility, to get a really good feel of what it was like for someone to take unfair advantage.
She'd have to tie him down. Otherwise, he was going to be a real handful. Climbing up on the bed, she put her back to him and grasped one ankle in each hand, leaning forward. After several sharp tugs, she managed to drag him far enough back down the bed that he was lying flat. Dropping his feet to the bed, she went to his closet in search of something to tie him with. No ropes magically appeared, and she couldn't find the belting he'd used on her before—probably stashed it for just this reason—but she figured a couple of jumpsuits would work just as well, and he had plenty of those. The man was a regular clothes horse.
It reminded her of Hauk.
bsp; Up until she'd met Sharmin, Hauk was the only man she'd ever known that owned more clothes than she did.
Now that she thought about it, it was really a weird sort of coincidence, particularly since there were a lot of things about Sharmin that reminded her of Hauk. Frowning, she turned to study the sleeping man for several moments. Sharmin was attractive enough, but he looked nothing like Hauk. Maybe they were related?
Shaking the thoughts, she grabbed a couple of jumpsuits and set to work. There was no telling how long he'd be out and she wanted to be sure he was immobilized before he came to.
The bunk, naturally enough, was bolted to the walls and floor. Crawling under it, she found a narrow crevice between the wall and the platform the mattress rested on and shoved a leg of one jumpsuit through, then repeated the process a little further up the bed. When she crawled out again, she climbed onto the mattress and secured the wrist and ankle nearest the wall. Getting off the bed again, she caught the end of one jumpsuit and tied it securely to the other wrist, then repeated the process with his other ankle and tested both by pulling on them as hard as she could.
He would be able to move his arms and legs a little, but not enough to grab her.
She was pretty sure he wouldn't call out for Fuzz or Sylo—he wouldn't want them to see what she'd done to him—but she decided not to take any chances. Returning to his wardrobe, she helped herself to yet another jumpsuit and moved back to the bunk.
He came to just as she shoved the leg of the pants between his jaws. Ignoring his puzzled look, she tied the gag securely before she sat back, smiling at him in grim satisfaction. “Today we learn the error of taking unfair advantage of someone who's defenseless."
Chapter Ten
Sharmin glared at her, twisting his head and bucking on the bed, testing his restraints. She looked at him worriedly as he moved, half tempted to vacate to the cockpit without doing anything just in case he managed to get loose, but after a few minutes of fighting, he collapsed on the bed and went perfectly still.
Cole smiled slowly, satisfied now that even with his great strength, he couldn't get loose. She sauntered back across the room from where she'd retreated when he'd begun struggling.
He was furious, but not so angry that he didn't secretly enjoy being bound. She knew this, because his cock was standing straight up from his groin. Of course, that could just be the fruit ... Cole didn't want to think about that.
She knelt on the floor next to him, splaying her fingers flat on his belly. His stomach rippled in response as if trying to jerk away from her. “I'm sure if you could talk, you'd deny any wrongdoing,” she murmured, lazily trailing a hand up and down his belly, moving closer each time to where she knew he wanted her hand. She could practically hear his cock begging.
He shook his head furiously.
Cole shook a finger at him. “Don't lie, Master. You know you're guilty. You're a man, aren't you?” She chuckled, shrugging out of the top half of her jumpsuit until her torso was bare. Her nipples were hard from arousal, and she leaned forward, rubbing them against his belly, enjoying the sensation of his warm skin against her sensitive nipples. She heard his groan through the gag.
She stood and removed her jumpsuit before climbing onto the bed, easing herself over his legs. He was so hot, seeping into her like the heat of a summer day. His skin was smooth against her thighs, making them feel achingly alert to the feel of his muscles flexing between them. Propping on her arms, she leaned over him and dragged her breasts up and down his chest. He shuddered, vibrating against the tips, making her nipples engorged and incredibly aware. Tingles of pleasure spread through her breasts, traveling down to her center. She was wet already, could feel the uncomfortable ache between her thighs that signaled her arousal.
Ignoring her blossoming desire, she dragged a trail down his belly, coming to his cock. It twitched as she shifted and rubbed one swollen breast heavily across its tip. He jerked beneath her, his muscles gone rigid as she slid down until she could rest on her knees between his parted thighs. She lowered, pressing her breasts together to hug his cock, tweaking her own nipples and gasping as his hips lifted, stroking her cleavage, urging the blood to well in her breasts until she thought they'd explode from sensation. She bit her lip, pinching her nipples.
It felt good being in control for once, to have a man completely at her mercy. The feeling was powerful, made her so wet, she felt it on her thighs.
She scooted back, dipping her head to nip his hairless hips. She loved that he had no hair here or anywhere else—nothing to impede her complete enjoyment of him.
She swathed the area surrounding his cock, feeling the blood in his veins pump against the tip of her tongue. He smelled clean, naturally male and bathed. She dipped lower, moving over his testicles. He dimpled with gooseflesh as she breathed hotly against him. He moved his legs, to escape or not—she didn't care.
Placing her hands between his thighs, she urged them further apart, nibbling a path down the crook of one thigh. The under curve of his buttocks loomed. Tight. Tempting. She rubbed her nose against the crook of his leg, pressing her tongue against the band of flesh separating his anus and testicles.
He jerked furiously, mashing her nose against the band, going rigid as she removed her mouth and stroked one hand up and down, tickling past that spot.
Never had she done this with another man, but there was something about his vulnerability here that drew her, made her want to press it, conquer this spot and claim it for her own.
She sucked her finger, wetting the digit and rimming his hole, pushing gently inside. His muscles clamped down on her, trying to keep her out. She persisted, moving inexorably inside, curling up. His bucking ceased. She could hear the rapid fire of his breath, see the heaving of his chest. His cock jerked as she stroked him, milking the hidden gland. She pressed another finger inside, stretching the tight hole, rubbing her clit as she thrust and curled inside him.
She bit his thigh, pumping slowly, feeling his convulsions on her finger, slipping in her own juices, exploring her folds as she explored him.
She looked up at him above the plane of his body and met the heat of his gaze like a brick wall.
She was losing focus—fast. She freed her fingers from the suction of his body and left him to go to the bathroom, catching her breath and focus as she washed her hands. It was her pleasure and his torment she was after. Her goal reasserted, she went back and got into the bed.
Cole crawled over him and straddled his hips, leaning back until his cock nestled in the cleft of her buttocks. There was a high to having power over a man, to have his strength bound between her legs and at her disposal. She smoothed her palms across his chest, rubbing them over his small nipples until they beaded beneath her touch.
She felt her wet arousal seeping down onto his lower belly, between her thighs. She pinched his nipples, twisting them as she undulated back against his cock. The ridges of his muscles, his pubic bone rocked against her at the movement, connecting with the smooth band of flesh between her vagina and anus. She shuddered, feeling him tense beneath her as she rocked again, grinding her cheeks ever so slowly against him.
She could practically hear the grind of his teeth. She smiled, tweaking his nipples as she rode forward and ground her clit against his pubic bone. Chills of pleasure arced over her skin, raising goosebumps in their wake over the flesh of her arms and legs.
She leaned forward, bumping her buttocks against his shaft, flicking her tongue up the column of his throat over his adam's apple. It bobbed as he swallowed hard, and she caught it with her lips, sucking lightly at his throat.
He was panting, his breath coming harsh through his nose, flaring his nostrils. She smiled against his throat, nipping him with her teeth, sucking the corners of his jaw until she'd left the small rounded mark of her mouth there.
She trailed the shallow valley between his pecs, exhilarated to feel the pound of his heart beneath her lips as she moved over one nipple. It beaded, harder as she scraped
her teeth against him.
Cole rubbed her sex on his hips, pleasure blooming between her thighs. She couldn't believe how worked up she was having him beneath her, unable to do anything but feel her ministrations.
She was covered in a fine sweat, moving slick against him. Her skin was energized, hyper sensitive to every motion, each nerve attuned to the arousal of her mind.
Cole crawled down him again until his groin was even with her face. She propped above him, lowering her face down to his cockhead until she could flick her tongue across the tip and catch the droplet of moisture gathered there. He was sweet from the fruit she'd given him. She moved lower and nibbled him, following the subtle sway of it as he moved his hips to try and escape her. He gave up after a few minutes of her relentless pursuit.
She nibbled around the smooth rim. It seemed like hours went by, and still, she kept him hard, kept him eager to the caress of her lips and tongue.
The feeling was powerfully heady, made her drunk with lust. She couldn't cease her torment and didn't want it to end. She was starved for the taste of him and the arousing power filtering through her veins.
It occurred to Cole after a while, however, to wonder what had ever made her think she could do something like this and remain unmoved.
She stopped at that thought and sat back on her haunches, looking him over a little worriedly. His shaft was angry and red from her sucking. He must hurt terribly bad, as unfulfilled as she was—no, more. She'd deliberately set out to provoke this response in him. She bit her bottom lip, and unable to meet the dark look in his eyes and his swollen cock, she closed her eyes.
She'd only meant to tease him a little, just enough to serve as a strong reminder that there was often a price tag on things you did to other people. Instead, she'd gotten so aroused herself, she'd gone much further than she'd intended.
Two wrongs do not equal one right, rang in her head. Her intentions didn't matter as much as her actions, which were in direct opposition to her intent.
It also occurred to her, rather belatedly, that she'd only pretended she couldn't remember what had happened. She remembered all too clearly, and Sharmin was going to remember too. It was too much to hope that the fruit would affect a vulkahn metabolism differently than it did human. He'd eaten a lot more of the fruit than she had though, so there was that.... Still, she didn't have much confidence in that—he was just so damned big it took that much to do anything to him.